A gamut of biomaterials aligned with your needs

We offer you custom-made biomaterials, a guarantee of quality and performance.

We are developing technical material, for injection, extrusion as well as 3D printing (I3D), with the objective of obtaining the characteristics required in your applications. Our Research and Development division will be with you every step of the way in your projects, starting with the functional specifications all the way to delivery.

Elixbio oyster shells

Some of our bioplastics used in I3D contain oyster shell powder.

Elixbio biosourced pictogram

Biomaterials based on bio-sourced polymers

Elixbio biodegradable pictogram

Biomaterials based on biodegradable polymers

The incorporation of co-products & natural fibres

Adding co-products and natural fibres enable modifying the technical and visual characteristics of biomaterials to make your products and packaging unique. This also allows for a decrease in the necessary quantity of polymer while giving new life to organic waste (vegetal and mineral).

Elixbio natural fiber reeds

Examples of what we offer in terms of co-products & natural fibres.

Elixbio biomaterials coffee grounds

Addition of coffee ground
Origin :  Morbihan (56)

Elixbio biomaterials miscanthus fibers

Addition of miscanthus
Origin : Eure et Loire (28)

Elixbio eggshell biomaterials

Addition of eggshells
Origin :  Morbihan (56)

Elixbio grape seed biomaterials

Addition of grape seeds
Origin : Gironde (33)
